Tiger attack kills 16 in Chitwan National Park

Chitwan, June 28

Tiger attacks have killed 16 people in Chitwan National Park over the past year. The number is 10 more than last year. Similarly, 45 people were injured in the region.

Out of the total, 13 people were killed near the buffer zones surrounding the national park, informed officials. A relief of Rs 1 million each was handed over to the families of those who were killed by one.

As buffer zones have become a refuge for old tigers who have been driven away from the main jungle. With the population rising, these old tigers have to seek refuge in the buffer zones and resort to killing cattle and humans for food.

So far, the park officials have taken four maneaters (a name for tigers who kill humans) under control. Two are being held captive at Kasara while the other two are at Sauraha.

With all four cages full, park officials don’t know what to do next as they don’t even have enough funds to feed them as they consume around 7 kilograms of meat every day.

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