Unifier King Prithvi Narayan Shah’s ‘DIVYA UPDESH’ (COUNSEL) – Telegraph Nepal

Ambassador Dr. Niranjan Man Singh Basnyat

Kathmandu, Nepal

King Prithvi Narayan Shah is believed to have fallen sick in the last week of December 1774.

Then he summoned everybody to his palace in Nuwakot and gave his Counsel in order to safeguard the nation for future generations. He died on the morning of 11 January 1775. This Counsel was believed to have been given by him to his courtiers and people at a palace named “Rangmahal” which was built in 1766 in the plains of Taadi river in Nuwakot. His Counsel to courtiers, future leaders, and citizens of Nepal is found in the following pages.

King Prithvi Narayan Shah’s Counsel (Upadesh)

(1): Shree Ganesh, I pray to you. Please help us Shree Kalika. Please help us Shree 3 Shiva
Gorakhnath. Now I start writing about Shree 5 Prithvi Narayan Shah. Shree Shree Shree 5
Old Maharaja, after the victory of three cities of Nepal and states of Hindupati (Sen Kings of
Makwanpur, Chaudandi and Bijayapur), addressed Priests (Gurupurohit), six castes of people (tharghar) who helped secure the Kingdom of Dravya Shah in Gorkha, the first king of Gorkha Shah dynasty, brothers, courtiers, his own Dada Surathi Singh Rana and all elderly who gathered in Nuwakot.

(2): They say after old people die, their saying (sharing of experience) goes to the next generation.
If I will tell all of you, you will tell your descendants and your descendants will tell our descendants, thus this state will be saved and ruled (in future).

(3): Our mothers were three. We were the incarnation of Pancha Pandava (five brothers, sons of Kunti and Madri in Mahabharata epic) from three different Chambers.

(4): My marriage was held in Makwanpur. But my bride (dola) was not handed over to me so I visited Makwanpur and in the meantime also wanted to see Nepal. There I told Digbandhan Sen by strongly persuading him-“if you give me ek danta Elephant (having one tooth only-a symbol of good omen) and Naulakha Haar (expensive necklace made of diamond and other jewels), I will take my bride”. (Otherwise….) I threatened him saying that I will take her by force by fighting with the sword. After that, I left (Makwanpur).

(5): So that Nepal King would not recognise and arrest me, I wore a Syakhu (local thick woolen cloth worn covering head and back, generally put on by farmers and porters), I walked with Bhanu Jaisi (Aryal, Astrologer), Kulananda Jaisi (Dhakal, Astrologer), and other Tharghar along the banks of the river Rapti. After we arrived at Chandragiri, I asked them which one was Nepal and they showed me pointing to Patan, Bhaktapur and Kathmandu. In my mind, I was thinking that it would be excellent if I become the king of all three cities. At exactly the same time, both Jaisis said that Maharaj’s wishes would be fulfilled. I was surprised and asked them how did they know about my wishes in my mind. They replied that while You were watching at Nepal (Three cities of the valley), You put your hand at your mustache. Then we thought that You had a wish to become the King of Nepal and we said so. When I further asked whether these wishes would be fulfilled, they stated that as You have high respects for Cows, Brahmins, Guests, Fakirs (Yogis), and Gods and Goddesses, and we have blessings of Saraswoti (Goddess of Learning) on our hands, You would surely get the states of Nepal.

(6): We walked through the big Pass of Thangkot and reached Dhading by crossing Kahlarighat trekking day and night.

(7): I asked Jaisi to write an order (Rukka) to my three brave men, who were stationed in (Gautan ko Birhauto: new settlement at Gautan, northwest of Gorkha) Liglig Fort (Aadh) at the side Hill (Khawa) of Chepe (river). He asked their names. And I gave him their names: Ranajit Basnyat, Man Singh Rokaha and Birbhadra Pathak. I wrote them to come to Maidhi as soon as possible and they arrived. I consulted with them in private and told them that I had threatened Digbandhan Sen and I saw Nepal. I keep my inner desire to attack (Nepal), what do you say ? They suggested “go ahead and attack Maharaj”. I further asked them “when I go for attacking others, if at the same time, some others might attack on us (Gorkha), then what will happen ?” They replied to me that these Baisi Chaubisi are just frightening you (as if you are like an elephant) and assured me that they (from Gorkha side) would fight shedding the river of blood in Chepe against them, if they come (for attack). And we stood up from the secret meeting and left for Gorkha.

(8): After we arrived, my maternal uncle (Crown Prince Udyot Sen, son of King Gandharva Sen of Palpa) who had gone to have a darshan (pilgrimage, seeing the image of deity) of Nilakantha (Gosaikunda) and Pashupati via Devghat, came to Gorkha for the darshan of Gorakhnath, where we met after his darshan.

(9): I said “ Uncle, I had gone to Makwanpur and (on the way back) I saw Nepal, I have earnest desire to attack (Nepal), please tell me how my mission would be accomplished ? Give me your good counsel ?” He gave me his advice in the Pancharatra. He said “When we see, we think that there is an incarnation of Pancha Pandava (Five brothers including Prithvi Narayan Shah), Nepal cannot be captured without any Kuruchhetra (place of decisive battle between Kauravas and Pandavas in Mahabharat), Lamjung is a ‘Garud’, Gorkha is a ‘Snake’ and Nepal is a ‘Frog’. So first we have to deceive ‘Garud’ to eat the ‘Frog’.” I said “I have four castes of soldiers, on whom I should trust the most to mount an attack to get quick success?” He asked “which are the castes ? I told him- Bahun, Khas, Magar and Thakuri”. He replied “ Bahun is like a bull, so it is a sin to send Bahun, Thakuri is like a Lion, later there will be a betrayal, Magar is like a Tagan Horse, it will be slow, Khas is like a Tazi Turki Horse, so it is better to depend on Khas for faster success”. He gave other important advice before he left which I took into consideration.

(10): I went to see King of Lamjung Ripumardan Shah. We met at Chepe Ghat. We talked about peace. The key points which I had in mind from which there would be a peace agreement, exactly the same points were conveyed by Kalu Pandey. Thus the strong agreement was possible and established. I was surprised, and thought that he made me happy, but in the sacred cardinal documents of Hinduism also, it is written that the Kazi post should be given to the person with whom general public are happy. I consulted with the public and found that they liked Kalu Pandey. They advised me if you give Kazi post to him, we feel protected. I also checked in Baisi Chaubisi about him and found that they liked him. Even though I wished to give the post of Kazi to Biraj Bakheti, I awarded this post to Kalu Pandey because he was considered to be wiser.

(11): Then I thought I will make a bond between Pandey and Basnyat, I asked Kalu Pandey to give his daughter’s hand for marriage to Kehar Singh Basnyat, son of Shivaram (Singh) Basnyat.
Thus through this family bond, I mounted an attack on Nepal (three city-states of Kathmandu Valley) and won it by the shields of Pandeys and swords of Basnyats.

(12): I assigned Ranajit Basnyat, Man Singh Rokaha and Birbhadra Pathak in Gautanko Birhauto at Liglig Aadh and told them that I will come to Salyankot Devi for darshan on an auspicious day as the deity is believed to be giving blessings to the devotees (which becomes true in real life). I also reached there. We established Tharpu (temporary camp) in the barren land. I asked with Tharghar and Baraha-Umraos of Salyani whether I can have the darshan of the Goddess. They said that only the Priest and the Guard can go inside the temple. Then I asked “Can I go only up to the door of the temple ? They said “yes, you can go.”

(13): Every morning and evening, I used to go to the door for darshan and worship at the temple reciting religious texts and mantras. One night I had a dream. I saw one seven-eight year old girl with Khadga (curved swords) in her both hands coming near me. Her face was partly covered by a shawl. I asked her“Who is your father? She replied “I am the daughter of Priest Rana (Magar)”. And she gave me both the swords. Something was shining which she took out from her bosom. She gave me something to swallow near my mouth and said “I have fulfilled your wishes, so you should also give something for me”. As she was leaving taking two steps forward, I was awake from the dream. I called Bhanu Jaisi, Kulananda Jaisi and Priest Rana, and asked about the dream. They said that she was the Goddess and You had a darshan of her. I immediately arranged for incense, lamp, prayer cloth, and fruits and sweets for the daily worship. I also managed and dedicated seven male buffalos and seven male goats for sacrifice for a special worship and presented some lands near Borlang Ghat and the Ghat’s all income to the Goddess. And I left on the same auspicious moment.

(14): Marching day and night, I arrived and established a temporary camp in Simalchaur Square. My intention was (to capture) Nuwakot but I pretended to remain in Khinchet for making canal for agricultural lands. I used to go to the temple of Beni Indrayani at Betravati crossing the river by boat for reciting religious texts. I used to meditate and concentrate my mind on Devi (Goddesses) of Salyankot, Indrayani and Bhairavi.

(15): Mahamandal is like a rival wife of Nuwakot. In Mahamandal, there was a Gyami Rana (Jayant). I sent him a message saying that you were our own man, leave Mahamandal and come to join me. He retorted “I was your own man but I had eaten the salt of Jaya Prakash Malla, so I would fight till death”.

(16): One day I was sitting in the Council and I had a nap. I was actually daydreaming and I saw that I was at the temple of Indrayani. I overheard a voice saying that there was an auspicious moment for attack on Nuwakot after one week and Nuwakot can be conquered. I immediately asked astrologer to see the calendar. He told me that there was one big auspicious moment in the early morning of Saturday after one week.

(17): At the same given auspicious moment we climbed up to Nuwakot and the battle broke out. (Bali) Panth, who was our staunch fighter and my brother Dalmardan Shah at the age of twelve only, made a decisive stroke of the sword (Jethi Tarwar) on the head of (Shankhamani) Rana (Chief of Nuwakot). And we were victorious over Nuwakot and we celebrated this victory.

(18): We had established security posts (Thanas) at Kakani and Shivapuri as battlefront.

(19): Parshuram Thapa was requesting me to come to attack Nepal assuring his support. (But…) in the mean time he had sent his brother to Baisi Chaubisi with financial support (a sum of one hundred twenty thousand rupees) to incite them to attack us from rear and I came to know this. I asked “where his brother has reached?” They told me that he had reached Hatiya in Pokhara. I further enquired as to who could go there and kill him ? Nobody could answer me, and I called Jhagal Gurung and asked him to go. I gave him my own Khukri and sent him. He reached there pretending to be a local folk singer carrying a sarangi (local musical instrument like a violin) under the arm, 2/4 dharnies (1 Dharni=2.39 kg) of sahar (a type of freshwater fish) and a fishing rod. While soldiers of his (Parshuram’s) brother were eating, he took a chance and killed him, and came back. Later I cleared the rear (western frontier of Gorkha), opened Nepal (Kathmandu valley kingdoms) and conquered it by taking into confidence the people of the east and the west.

(20): This State is like a yam between two rocks. Establish enduring peace with Emperor of China. Establish peace with the Emperor from south-sea (East India Company, King of England) but he is very shrewd. He is controlling Hindushthana (India) and he has taken our territory in the plains which is at our border. If Hindusthana (India) will unite, they (East India Company) will be in difficulty and they will come searching for forts. Establish forts based on the prevailing situations in the potential routes and put obstacles and hurdles in them. One day that force will come. Do not go to attack them but only if they attack, start the war and many of them will be slain at the Chure Pass. We can also seize the treasure-trove of weaponry which can be used by our five to seven generations. Border will be fixed up to Ganga (Ganges) river. If they cannot win the war, they will come through persuasion or using so many tactics and deceptions (against us).

(21): These forts are like the throne of Nepal. If one can secure these forts, all four Emperors can be won. God has created these forts. There is no need to repair. Shivapuri-1, Phoolchoki-2, Chandragiri-3, Mahadevpokhari-4, Palung-5, Dapcha-6, Kahule-7. Make strong forts in these places. Keep canons in each Fort. Where there are Passes, keep one canon in each by making the iron gate and assign five soldiers in each place. After we do this, spies, rascals, murderers and the criminals who want to flee after committing crimes cannot do anything. If all the four emperors also come to attack, they can do nothing.

(22): I already studied and examined the social norms made by King Ram Shah, King Jayasthiti Malla and King Mahindra Malla. I had the wish to make such norms for twelve thousand (for Gorkha) if God permitted. I wanted to open the routes of Nepal by closing the routes of the east and the west. I wished to make rules for each race and caste to practice their own rituals freely.

(23): These three cities are like cold rock. The big thing here is only intrigues. The people who drink the water of wells do not have any wisdom. They are not also brave. Only conspiracies are common. My wish was to make a palace in Dahachowk including the houses of Priests, brothers, courtiers, mir umrao (chief officials of forts) in surrounding areas. And I wished to go to the three cities only for recreation purpose.

(24): Do not give entry to the foreign merchants to climb above Godhparsa (Parsa Fort). If they come to our country, they will make the people bankrupt.

(25): We won three cities of Nepal, nine lakh (nine hundred thousand) kirats and the state of Hindupati by wearing Chyanga Panga (garments made from coarse textile produced in the country). Ban the clothes made in foreign countries, teach our own people to weave by showing them the specimen and ask them to weave. Thus our money will not go to foreign countries. Export our country’s products and medicinal herbs to foreign countries and earn money. Save money and if people become rich, palace (state) will also be strong. Resources of the country are its people.

(26): Do not award contracts in the country. Government itself should give works (on the basis of daily wages) under one office and keep accounts of each and every income and expenditure. Even if there are good soldiers and courtiers, stop them earning undue properties. Watch them closely and allow them to have properties only to maintain their conditions and posts. It is because the rich people cannot have courage to fight with the swords and kill others and die in the battle. If not controlled, only bad people or enemy would shine (prevail). If soldiers, brothers and courtiers do not involve themselves in entertainments and recreational activities, my swords will prevail in all four directions. If not, there will be anarchy.

(27): I conquered this country with no smaller hardships. Hence, it is a garden of all sorts (castes) of people. Everyone should be aware of this. All people, big and small, of four races and thirty six castes of this garden (country) should maintain (and develop) this garden. This is a real land of the Hindus. Do not abandon your own religion (being practiced for generations).

(28): Everybody should be loyal to the master (King) and work for him. Do not take away the post of Kapardar (treasurer) from the descendants of Kalu (Khadka Magar) kapardar. Do not take away the responsibility of maintaining peace with the South (East India Company or India) from the descendants of Shivram (Singh) Basnyat. Do not take away the responsibility of maintaining peace with Tibet from the descendants of Kalu Pandey.

(29): While extending compensation to Pandey, Basnyat, Pantha brothers and Magar, give them in rotational basis. They are all my good loyal servants (of salt and of gratefulness). If they had committed any grave wrong-doing even to the extent of equivalence of death penalty, do not kill them but send them to war. If they survive, it is well and good, but if they die in the battle, you do not have to take the blame of their deaths because they were killed by others. King should not kill his people in his own house.

(30): King should see that the justice is done. Do not give any space to injustice in the state. People who give bribe and corrupt officials who take bribe are the big enemies of the king (state).
There is no sin whatsoever if you confiscate their property and take even the life of these types of people.

(31): The main thing is that King should give lands to the soldiers whose service is required to the state. They will better manage and irrigate the land, and make some incomes from such activities (both tiller and owner will get economic benefits). Their families will be free of economic burden. Thus soldiers will feel confident whether they are at the gate of the palace (near) or in the forts (far).

(32): While making administrative appointments, arrange for a Company with hundred guns and you should examine and appoint a Subedar of this Company who has been already a hero in four-five wars. Officials (Saatpagari-presently Jamdar or Junior Commanding Officers level) under this Subedar should be already 2/4 times tested people. These officials should also appoint sixteen Havaldars who are ready to kill or die for their superior. Havaldars also should appoint soldiers who are ready to kill or die for the superior of their own groups.

(33): In each group, appoint people from four castes namely Khas, Magar, Gurung and Thakuri. In the battle this would be very strong. These are the only people who can hold the swords or weapons for battle. Thus we can even challenge the throne of Indra (king of heaven according to Hindu mythology), no matter any other enemy.

(34): If we have with us thousands of bows, thousands of guns, thousands of curved swords and thousands of canons, we can even win over Indra.

(35): In the wars, those who participate and those who attack and kill are equal. While giving job or lands, give them equally. If someone dies in the battle, his family should be given compensation till his son/sons are able to fight. After they are of the age to take swords, promote them to a job. If king has wisdom, best (fighters) soldiers would come to join us from other (foreign) states also, expecting a lot of good income.

(36): Basic foundation of the king are soldiers and people. If the king is clever, he should keep them in good humour. Thus there will be no law and order problem. Keep soldiers always on their toes (sharpening them through training). Such well-trained soldiers do not involve themselves in unwarranted activities and we will accomplish our mission.

(37): Among Gurung, Magar, Khanzyada (royal family members), brothers, courtiers, Mir Umrao, Tharghar, select veteran people to head the units in the palace and at the forts located far and wide. Do not give the entry to the Brahmin and Khas of the east and the west in the palace.
Why ? Because they will bring about mismanagement in the palace (statecraft).

(38): Keep all powers of the king to yourself. I had made three Baraha Umrao (Chiefs of hilltops or forts) strong like the Vajra (firmness of spirit) of Indra. I had also given them big drums and Nishans (special religious military flag), and (budget of) 240 rupees to each. They used to go for battle whether it is in Salyan, Liglig or Dhading. And they were always victorious. Thus I had earned unimaginable property (for the state).

(39): Keep your house always strong by selecting experienced and loyal people around you. If you do this (check and balance), the palace (state) will be strong. If a King is clever, he should make soldiers and people happy, and keep them under his control. He should not believe in the false praise of some people but ask them to work on the basis of “salt eaten” (loyalty).

(40): Operate the Mint (Coins) of the state also in a pure and clean manner. In the judicial Court, select among the Thakuris and appoint the best one. Likewise, appoint Bichari (clark of the Court) from among the Magars. Operate the courts as per the principles of justice appointing one Pandit (judge) in each place.

(41): Do not use the income of Courts in the palace. Such income should be distributed or spent for foods for Fakirs, Beggars, Yogis, Sanyasis and Brahmins. Remaining amount should be spent as gifts of Dhoti (undergarment) and towels. Thus you will not be blamed for malpractice.

(42): If mineral resources are discovered in the village, evacuate the people of the village and operate the Mines.

(43): If a house is on the waterway in the terrace, move the house to another land and make the canal (for irrigation).

(44): Once they gave me hand to make peace. I was called by them but when I went there, they later betrayed me. I took a lot of hardships to clear the rear (Baisi Chaubisi) and was able to move ahead to capture Nepal.

(45): (Armed) Naga soldiers were invited from the south to serve the interests of Jaya Parakash Malla. I killed them in Saatgaun before they could enter Nepal (Kathmandu valley).

(46): Qasim Ali Khan attacked Makwanpur and I won them killing many by the strikes of 120 curved swords (Khunda), and by chasing their remaining soldiers across the border.

(47): Handi Saheb attacked Sindhuli Gadhi with 3/4 Battalions and there also I killed many and seized many guns from them.

(48): Three muslims came from Lukhnow to Nuwakot to meet me and ask for jobs. These muslims knew how to operate the seized guns and I gave the post of Adjutants to all three namely Sheikh Zorabar, Memtaki and Bhekharsing. They trained the soldiers.

(49): When I studied the book of Nepal (Chronicles), it was written that Nepal would be a Turkana, Magrat and Muglana (territory of East India Company). It became already a Turkana. (Turkish invasion of Kathmandu Valley in 1347 AD by Bengal’s Turkish-origin Sultan Shamsuddin Ilias Shah). I myself am the King of Magrat. This has been also alright. But to save it from becoming Muglana, I created (military) companies as that of Muglana by reducing the number of Thums (hill tops and forts) for austerity so as to pay for the half number of troops with guns and the other half with swords.

(50): A company with hundred guns is swift and it is equivalent to one thousand soldiers. Keep one company with guns each in every fort. Territories should be divided and delineated. Give soldiers additional cereals and other expenses for tending the fort.

(51): I have one serious doubt about Muglana which is very near from us. There are all sorts of people like Chhokra (eunuchs) and Patriya (those women who do not have any shame). They play Drums (dholak), Sitar, Raag and Taan (Indian Classical music) in a room with fresco paintings. I am very much concerned that our youth might mingle with them and forget their duties. There is an obsession in Raagas and a lot of money is spent. They will take our secret information and our enemies might betray us. Nobody should practice Raagas. Do not open the route to the hills to these three types of people namely Chhokra, Patriya and Singers. (If you really want to see their performances), you can invite them during Faagu in a very few number, one or two only and send them back immediately. Thus, they do not know our secrets also.

(52): If you want to entertain yourselves, you can watch the traditional dance of Newars of the three cities as per our religious texts (Shastra). If you give money to them, it will remain in our own country. Thus, our country can remain unchallengeable.

Next issue to begin with:  An Analytical Overview of the Counsel: Ed. Upadhyaya. 

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